NYC Traffic Cams Dole Out 1.4 Million Tickets for School Zone Speeding

Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

Lead-footed New Yorkers, be warned: the streets have eyes. New York City is home to about 140 speed cameras in school zones, each of which doled out an average of 10,000 tickets in 2016, according to a report by the New York Post. That’s a 36 percent increase from the 1 million total tickets issued in 2015.

Turns out, however, that those cameras are slacking off. In 2014, the city had only 20 speed cameras, each of which issued 22,000 tickets on average, for a total of 445,000.

The robots won’t be beating out the real police any time soon. Living, breathing cops handed out 137,260 speeding tickets last year, NYPD records show. That’s a 65 percent increase over the 83,202 tickets written in 2013. In total, officers wrote 1,042,703 total tickets for various moving violations, including disobeying traffic signs, seat belt violations, and distracted driving.

In keeping with the city’s Vision Zero initiative to eliminate traffic fatalities, in 2016 police also doled out 42,385 tickets for failing to yield right of way to pedestrians — a 185 percent increase over 2013 (the year before the program began). The city also saw the fewest traffic fatalities ever recorded last year, with 229 total deaths. Unfortunately, pedestrian deaths ticked up from 139 in 2015 to 144 last and cyclist deaths increased from 14 to 18 over the same period.

A ticket for speeding in a school zone during school hours can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,200. It also carries at least three points on your license. Even worse, a conviction for speeding in a school zone can wreak havoc with your auto insurance premiums. If you or a loved one has been ticketed for speeding in a school zone, it is urgent that you consult an attorney to help you avoid the costs associated with a ticket. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are skilled New York traffic ticket attorneys who are experienced in handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.

8 Things You Can Do to Reduce Traffic Congestion

traffic-jam-688566_960_720Traffic jams are the worst! Nearly every driver feels there’s nothing he or she can do to avoid them and in most cases, that’s true. However, there are things that every driver can do to avoid contributing to congestion on the roads.

  1. Lay off the brakes. Hitting your brakes too frequently forces the drivers behind you to slow down as well. Each time this happens it creates a ripple effect that, in some cases, can last for miles. This is especially relevant on a typical highway with everyday congestion, where traffic can easily snarl, but it also comes into play in stop-and-go traffic. Instead of constantly braking, find a moderate speed that reduces the need to brake, but also doesn’t run the risk of hitting the car in front of you.
  2. Watch the lead foot. The counterpart to easing up on the brakes is to avoid speeding up too much every time there’s a brief break in congestion. This wastes gas (yours and other drivers’) and in heavy traffic, you’re not getting anywhere faster than anyone else.
  3. Give yourself space. Tailgating won’t get you to your destination any faster, either. The rule of thumb is to maintain one car length for every 10 mph. This allows for adequate time to react to traffic ahead and avoid slamming on the brakes or worse, crashing. After all, a car accident is one surefire way to ensure traffic gets worse.
  4. Mind your own beeswax. Rubbernecking is one of the most common causes of traffic jams. New York law requires vehicles to slow down in work zones and to move over for emergency vehicles, both of which will inevitably create some delays. Slowing down too much in order to gawk and stare will only exacerbate the situation.
  5. Put away distractions. It is both illegal and dangerous for drivers to text, make phone calls, or even put on makeup while driving (not to mention play smartphone apps and take selfies). If you need another reason not to do these things, though, know that they also are also major contributors to congestion on the road.
  6. Use the appropriate lane. Ever make it through a traffic jam without any sign of what caused it? Many such slowdowns are caused by inappropriate lane use. For example, if you don’t plan to exit the freeway any time soon, get out of the merge lane and into the thru lane(s). On the flipside, get out of the left-most lane if you can’t or won’t keep up with the other cars. Plus, many states are cracking down on cars camping in the left lane, so you also risk a ticket by staying in the left lane without passing.
  7. Change lanes strategically. Once you’re in the appropriate lane, stay there. A lane change can force the cars behind you in your current lane and the lane you’re entering to slow down, so don’t do it unless you need to. If you plan to exit, make sure to give yourself enough time to avoid sudden lane shifts, which could potentially cause an accident.
  8. Zip it up. Traffic engineers recommend what’s known as the “zipper method” for merging lanes. To employ this method, the driver in the merging lane should continue to the end of the lane at the same speed as the second lane. Drivers in the second lane should alternate, allowing one car in and then advancing. Unfortunately, many drivers race to the end of the merging lane or merge prematurely, both of which are inefficient and increase congestion.

If you or someone you love has been ticketed or arrested for a moving violation in New York, you need a skilled attorney to help fight the charges. The lawyers at the Rosenblum Law Firm are experienced traffic ticket attorneys with offices in New York and New Jersey. Email or call 888-203-2619 for a free consultation about your case.

When a Little Speed is a Good Thing

Impeding traffic by going too slow could result in a ticket.

The best advice for avoiding a speeding ticket is to slow down. This generally means obeying the posted limit, or at least not going too far above it, but this advice can be taken too far. If you drive like the proverbial granny, you won’t be at risk for a speeding ticket, but you could be facing a totally different kind of citation under New York State VTL 1181.

There are two ways to get ticketed for going too slow in New York. The first, VTL 1181-a, applies primarily in instances where someone is impeding traffic. For example, if you are driving 20 mph on a busy road with a 45 mph limit, that’s a ticketable offense. There’s no guidance for how far below the speed limit you have to be to get a ticket — the officer has discretion in this case.

The second, VTL 1181-b, is for those driving below the posted minimum speed. This is only applicable on select roadways with posted minimums, such as the Long Island Expressway or the New York Thruway; most local roadways don’t have minimum speeds. Unlike a ticket for VTL 1181-a, you do not necessarily have to be impeding traffic to get a ticket for going below the minimum. If circumstances warrant, it is possible to receive a ticket for both violations.

Of course, there are times when you should go well below the posted speed limit or minimum, such as during a snowstorm or heavy rainfall. In that case, your slow speed might be considered prudent for the conditions. Like the statute for impeding traffic, there’s no specific guidance on what is considered prudent or the conditions under which they apply. In general, drivers should consider going below the speed limit whenever visibility is strongly reduced (e.g. in a thick fog), the ability to stop on time is compromised (e.g. on ice-covered roads), or both (e.g. on wet roads during a rainstorm).  

A ticket for either impeding traffic or driving below the posted minimum carries a $150 fine, plus court costs. Each violation also carriers three points on your license and up to 15 days of possible jail time. A second violation within 18 months ups the consequences to a fine of $300 and 45 days of jail time.

If you or a loved one has been ticketed for speeding, impeding traffic, or driving below the minimum speed, it is imperative that you consult an attorney to help you avoid the costs associated with a ticket. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are skilled New York traffic ticket attorneys who are experienced in handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.

How to Avoid a Gruesome Halloween

ghost-trick-or-treat-vector-clipartSuburban drivers are familiar with the uptick in the pedestrian traffic that comes with Halloween trick-or-treating. All those kids on the street increase the possibility of an accident, which makes it important to be extra mindful of driving habits. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, deaths caused by car-versus-pedestrian accidents account for 11% of all traffic accident deaths.

What happens if a driver strikes a child or parent on Halloween? From a criminal standpoint, if an accident is truly an accident, there may be no charges. However, if the driver was speeding or distracted, that may change things, and he or she could be charged with vehicular manslaughter.

In order to obtain a conviction of vehicular manslaughter (also called vehicular homicide), or the less-severe involuntary manslaughter, prosecutors would have to prove that the driver was driving with reckless disregard of the substantial risk. This could include excess speed (generally defined as 30 mph or more over the  posted limit) or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The punishment varies based on circumstances, but often carries one to four years in prison plus thousands of dollars in fines.

If an accident does occur, it is imperative that no one flees the scene. Leaving the scene of an accident could result in a $250 fine, three points on your license, and 15 days in jail, in addition to any other charges from the accident itself.

If you or a loved one has been in an accident in which speeding, alcohol, or other traffic violations is a factor, you must consult an attorney right away. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are experienced in handling tickets and criminal charges for driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.

5 Common Myths About Getting Out of Speeding Tickets

cop radar There are lots of tips and tricks that people offer fellow drivers for how to get out of speeding tickets. While some may be legit, many are straight-up inaccurate. Here are five of the most common myths and the truth about what happens when drivers try them.

Myth 1: Tell the officer you were just passing another vehicle.

Most police officers do not accept this as an excuse. For starters, the law does not permit breaking the speed limit for any reason. In addition, officers usually recognize a reasonable passing situation when they see it. That means if you have been pulled over, the officer has determined that your speed was unreasonable and/or unsafe.

Myth 2: Tell the officer you were just going with the flow of traffic.

Even if that is true, an officer is still justified for pulling you over if you were exceeding the speed limit. The fact that other drivers were also speeding will not convince the officer to decide against giving you a ticket.

Myth 3: If you contest the ticket and the cop fails to show at the hearing, the ticket will get dismissed.

There is some truth to this. In New York, if an officer fails to show at a hearing, the judge will at first adjourn and reschedule the case for a later date. If the cop fails to show on the second or third date, it is possible the case will be dismissed. Don’t bank on this, though, as officers show up to traffic court more often than not.

Myth 4: Question the accuracy of speed radar in court.

Claiming that the radar was wrong won’t work by itself; you’ll have to submit evidence that you weren’t speeding. Some smartphone apps, like TicketDefender and Waze, record your speed as you drive. The difference between the app’s reading and the radar gun would have to be fairly substantial in order to get the ticket dismissed and even then, if the evidence you submit still shows you were speeding, the ticket could still stand.  

Myth 5: If some of the information on the ticket is incorrect, the ticket will be dismissed.

Again, there is some truth to this, but the error has to be significant. For example, if the officer wrote that your car was beige but it is actually silver, that is not sufficient to warrant a dismissal. Even errors in the license plate number or the spelling of your last name will be chalked up to what they are: minor clerical errors. The kind of mistakes that could get a ticket dismissed are limited to things like the wrong date, an incorrect traffic code, or insufficient information on the Supporting Deposition.

What does work?

Many law enforcement officials will recommend honesty as the best policy. However, legally speaking, anything you say can be used against you in court so you should never admit to illegal behavior. No matter the circumstances, the one thing that can help is being respectful and polite to the officer at the traffic stop. If you feel the ticket is unjustified, or simply want to avoid the consequences, hire a skilled attorney who can plead your case and negotiate on your behalf in court.

Speeding tickets can cost far more than a simple $150 fine. In New York, a conviction for speeding carries at least three points on your license. Drivers will also be expected to pay up to $93 in court fees and possibly a $100 driver responsibility assessment. Speeding tickets can also increase your auto insurance premiums by hundreds of dollars.

If you or a loved one has been caught speeding, it is essential that you consult an attorney to help you avoid the costs associated with a ticket. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are skilled New York traffic ticket attorneys who have experience handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.

Do Police Write Less Speeding Tickets in the Winter?

Photo courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

A common urban legend is that cops are less likely to give out speeding tickets in the winter. There are multiple theories for this supposed trend. One is that more police officers are on vacation. Another is that ticket quotas are mostly filled. Other explanations include the holiday spirit makes police more forgiving and the cold weather makes officers want to stay in their car.

Is there any truth to the legend? A look at the data reveals the answer is definitively… sort of.

Public data from New York State Department of Transportation provides information on every ticket issued between 2012 and 2014, broken down by month. This data was filtered for speeding ticket and then graphed.

In each year, the number of speeding tickets issued began to decline starting in October, reaching its lowest point in December. Figures rose in January and February before spiking in March. However, winter technically starts Dec. 21 and ends March 19. If anything, the decline in tickets coincides with autumn rather than winter.  

So if it isn’t the season, could it be the weather?

An analysis by one blogger correlated total traffic ticket data to inclement weather (rain and snow) for Montgomery County, Maryland. He found that officers issued fewer tickets on days when it rained or snowed, particularly in colder months. Rain and snow can mean less cars on the road and more cautious driver behavior, both of which would result in fewer traffic tickets, but the biggest factor is likely that  officers do not want to get out of their vehicles in bad weather.

Even that explanation is flawed. January and February are often just as cold as December, and statistically are just as likely to see snow and rain. Yet the first two months of the year experience a gradual rise in speeding tickets. The idea that fewer drivers are on the road in December is also unlikely, since the 10 days before Christmas are the busiest travel days of the year.

The only thing that can be said for certain is that there are consistent peaks and valleys in the number of speeding tickets written. The bad news is the lull in speeding tickets is coming to an end.

No matter what the season, a speeding ticket can definitely ruin your day (or year). Even the smallest speeding ticket will cost at least $150, plus up to $93 in court fees and a possible driver responsibility assessment of $100. In addition, a conviction means 3 points on your license as well as an increase in your auto insurance rates. If you or a loved one has been caught speeding, you need the help of a skilled attorney to avoid the many costs associated with a ticket. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm have extensive experience fighting speeding tickets in New York as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.

Does Speeding Really Save You Time?

policelightsWe live in a busy world. Our time is valuable and most of us would prefer to spend time at our destination, rather than on the road. This is often a contributing factor as to why many drivers speed, along with a need to get to appointments on time, and a desire to be somewhere where we can check our phones without fear of legal repercussions.

But is speeding really saving that much time?

With the exception of long trips, speeding does not save more than a few minutes. The chart below details several scenarios involving trips of different lengths: 15, 30, 50, and 200 miles. Each trip length is calculated at 35, 50, and 65 mph speed limits. It then shows how long those same trips would take at 10 and 20 mph above those limits.


The average American has a commute of about 15 miles. Looking at the chart above, ignoring traffic signals and road congestions as a factor, Trip #1 shows that going 10 mph over the limit will save less than six minutes on a commute that is already less than half an hour (assuming the posted limit is 35 mph the entire way).

For longer commutes, assuming a low speed limit of 35 mph, going 10 or even 20 mph over the limit can show serious savings. In all likelihood, however, as commutes reach 30 and 50 miles in length, it’s more realistic to experience a posted limit of 50 or 65 mph. In those scenarios (Trips #5, 6, 8 & 9), the time saved for going 10 mph above the limit still hovers around six minutes.

Is that really worth it? Consider that a typical speeding ticket in New York costs about $150 (not including court fees and driver responsibility assessments). In order for six minutes of your time to be worth $150, you would have to make $1,500 per hour, or about $3 million per year.

Most of us are not worth that much. Looking at it another way, let’s say you go to court to fight the ticket. Assuming you save 6 minutes to work and back (12 minutes per day) and spent 8 hours in court, you would have to speed for 40 days to make back that lost time. It’s worth noting that hiring a lawyer could save you much of that time and increase your odds of beating the ticket.  

Another interesting revelation from the chart above is that the higher the speed limit is already, the less time you save by speeding. That might seem strange at first, but it makes sense—the faster you’re traveling to start with, the more you have to exceed the speed limit to achieve the same proportionate increase. If you’re going 45 mph in a 35 mph zone, you’re traveling almost 30% faster than the posted limit. If the speed limit is 65 mph and you’re going 75 mph, that’s only about a 15% increase, even though in both cases you are going 10 mph over the limit. Obviously you can increase your time savings by traveling even faster, but once you break the speed limit by more than 10 mph, your risk of getting a speeding ticket increases substantially and the consequences for the ticket go up as well.

Of course, real life isn’t as simple as a chart. Traffic lights, stop signs, and the ever-dreaded traffic jam can and will whittle away at any gains, even on the longest of trips.

Are the time gains worth the potential consequences? In addition to the $150 fine, a speeding ticket in New York will also carry at least 3 points on your license. Drivers will also be expected to pay up to $93 in court fees and possibly a $100 driver responsibility assessment. Speeding tickets can also increase your auto insurance premiums by hundreds of dollars.

If you or a loved one has been caught speeding, it is essential that you consult an attorney to help you avoid the costs associated with a ticket. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are skilled New York traffic ticket attorneys who are experienced in handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.

New York Among the Angriest Drivers on the Road

Image courtesy Irish Typepad via Flickr.
Image courtesy Irish Typepad via Flickr.

A new study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found New Yorkers to be some of the angriest drivers on the road. The findings are even more egregious given that nearly 80% of American drivers have expressed significant anger, aggression, or road rage at least once in the past year. Even worse, approximately 8 million U.S. drivers engaged in extreme examples of road rage, including purposefully ramming another vehicle.

Drivers living in the Northeast – including cities like New York and Boston – were 30% more likely to yell, honk, or gesture angrily than people living in other parts of the country. Aggressive driving and road rage also varied considerably by age and gender, with male and younger drivers (ages 19 to 39) significantly more likely to engage in aggressive behaviors. For example, male drivers were more than three times as likely as female drivers to get out of the car and confront another driver.

Drivers who reported other unsafe behaviors behind the wheel, such as speeding and running red lights, were also more likely to show aggression. Those who reported recently speeding on a freeway, for example, were four times more likely to have also cut off another vehicle on purpose.

A significant percentage of U.S. drivers reported engaging in angry and aggressive behaviors over the past year, according to study estimates.

  • Purposefully tailgating: 51%
  • Yelling at another driver: 47%
  • Honking to show annoyance or anger: 45%
  • Making angry gestures: 33%
  • Trying to block another vehicle from changing lanes: 24%
  • Cutting off another vehicle on purpose: 12%

AAA offers these tips to help New Yorkers prevent road rage:

  • Don’t offend: Never cause another driver to change speed or direction. That means not forcing other drivers to use their brakes or turn the steering wheel in response to something you have done.
  • Be tolerant and forgiving: The other driver may just be having a really bad day. Assume that it’s not personal.
  • Do not respond: Avoid eye contact, don’t make gestures, maintain space around your vehicle, and contact 9-1-1 if needed.

If you or a loved one has been ticketed or arrested for speeding, road rage, or other aggressive driving acts, it is essential that you consult an attorney. Adam H. Rosenblum of the Rosenblum Law Firm is a skilled New York traffic ticket attorney who is experienced in handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.



The Impact of Speeding Tickets on Your Car Insurance

speeding-with-broken-brakesSpeeding tickets come loaded with hidden costs. On top of the initial fine, every speeding ticket carries with it a court fee, and in some cases, a driver responsibility assessment (DRA) as well. The biggest financial impact, however, is likely the one on your car insurance.

Every insurance company is different when it comes to speeding and other traffic tickets. One company may raise your rates for three years following a conviction, whereas another may apply a surcharge that will be removed after one year if you avoid any further infractions. The length of time that you’ve been with your insurer and past driving record can also be taken into account, and long-time customers with good records could see a lesser increase.

On the whole, however, most drivers who just plead guilty and pay the fine will see a significant difference in their annual premiums. found that on average speeding leads to these increases in premiums:

  • 21% for 1 to 15 mph over the speed limit.
  • 28% for 16 to 30 mph over the limit.
  • 30% for more than 30 mph over the limit.

This can be substantial for New York drivers, who already pay among the highest premiums in the country. It’s not uncommon for New Yorkers to shell out between $1,400 and $2,700 annually. That means even the smallest speeding ticket could result in an additional $294 to $567 per year!

For most drivers, it is more than worthwhile to hire an attorney to arrange for a plea bargain (which would have no impact on your insurance). In some cases, an attorney can also fight to have the ticket dismissed outright, such as if an officer doesn’t appear as complaining witness or if certain information on the summons is not filled out or is filled out incorrectly.

If you’re concerned that a speeding ticket could impact your car insurance, it is essential that you consult an attorney. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are skilled New York traffic ticket attorneys with experience in handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about how your ticket could impact your insurance rates.


Beyond Slowing Down: Wintertime Driving Tips

Leave between 2 and 10 times the normal gap between you and the car ahead in order to allow for a longer deceleration.
Leave between 2 and 10 times the normal gap between you and the car ahead in order to allow for a longer deceleration.

Winter is almost here and with comes the hazards of cold-weather driving. Anyone who has completed basic driver’s education in New York knows that you need to slow down in icy weather. The rule of thumb is to reduce your speed by one-third of what you would normally drive, with 45mph being the absolute max speed. For example, if you typically do 60mph on the LIE, cut it down to 40mph when it’s snowing.

Unfortunately, slowing down is not enough. In fact, it’s a common misconception that accidents in winter are the result of careless behavior. In many cases, accidents are caused when a driver encounters ice unexpectedly, such as after a freezing rain or while crossing a bridge (where icing is more common).

As they say, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So here are some of the most practical wintertime driving tips.

  • Go easy. Be sure to accelerate and brake gently to avoid having the tires spin out on the slippery pavement.
  • Allow extra space. Leave between 2 and 10 times the normal gap between you and the car ahead in order to allow for a longer deceleration.
  • Watch where you tread. Be careful driving in the wheeltracks of other vehicles; unless the road has been sanded and salted, the compressed snow is likely icier than fresh snow.
  • Keep all hands on deck. Both hands should be on the wheel at all times regardless of the weather, but especially in the snow.
  • Ditch the distractions. Turn off your phone and the music. Distractions are far more dangerous in the snow than at any other time.
  • Give yourself extra time. Take into account how much longer it could take to arrive at your destination. Bonus: The less rushed your feel, the less likely you are to make a sudden move.
  • Bust out the sunglasses. Summer may be over, but the shades can help reduce the glare from the snow.

It’s also worth remembering is that winter tires don’t fix everything. They’re certainly worth the cost, but even the best winter tires will not have traction on ice over 45mph.

Driving too fast in icy conditions can also land you a ticket. Under New York State statute VTL 1180(a), a driver can be ticketed for imprudent speed, which is when an officer deems your rate of speed to be “not reasonable and prudent under the conditions.” The ticket can be issued even if you are going below the posted limit. There’s no particular guidance as to what qualifies as reasonable and prudent, or under which conditions the law can be applied — officers simply apply their best judgment to based on the situation. Regardless, a first offense can result in 3 points on your license, plus up to $150 in fines and a $93 court fee. A conviction could also mean up to 15 days in jail. Penalties increase for a second and third conviction in 18 months.

If you or a loved one has been ticketed for driving at an unreasonable or imprudent speed for the conditions, or any other traffic citation, consult an attorney to help you avoid the costs, points, and increase in insurance premiums that can result from a conviction. The lawyers of the Rosenblum Law Firm are skilled New York traffic ticket attorneys who are experienced in handling tickets for speeding as well as other driving-related offenses. Call 888-203-2619 or email the Rosenblum Law Firm today for a free consultation about your case.