Speeding In A School Zone in NY

Anyone who lives near a school in NY or NJ knows what a school zone is. These areas – usually the street in front of or surrounding an elementary school or similar institution – feature unique road laws that mandate drivers to slow down to speeds of around 15 to 20 miles per hour. For some, these laws are the very definition of annoying, requiring abrupt and often undesired deceleration, but the logic behind them is simple and sound. Anyone who has children knows how scary the possibility of a road accident is – a car careening down a quiet suburban street, striking children at play in front of their homes is no imaginary threat.

These laws exist to protect our children and ensure they can cross in front of or around their schools without fear of injury. Because they secure the safety of our children, they enjoy widespread support and are likely to stick around as permanent fixtures of traffic law for a long time. The point is, they exist and will exist, and a sensible driver will obey these laws or suffer the consequences, which can and often be very steep.

Any time you drive at a speed higher than the speed posted for that area, you are in violation of state law. Obviously this remains the case in school zones, which often post their unique speed limits right around the school that is protected. Smart drivers will notice these speed limits, come to anticipate them in future trips around those areas and make sure to abide by those limits when they appear next. They will also notice when these speed laws are in force – school zone speed limits are often not in force all day and night, usually only requiring decreased speeds from times between 7 am to 7 pm, or similar time frames.

So What Are The Fines and Penalties For Speeding in A School Zone ?

Penalties are, as you can imagine, typically expensive and come in the form of fines or similar punishments.  But that’s not the end of the story. In New York State, ignoring the posted speed limit near a school can actually carry the possibility of jail time. The extent of the punishment is related to by how much the posted speed limit was violated.

For example, if someone is 10 miles above the posted speed limit they will be assessed 3 points and a $300 fine with an $85 surcharge.

If they speed above 10 mph, they begin to face the possibility of jail time, ranging from 15 days in jail. They can also face fines up to $600 dollars in fines with an $85 surcharge. As it is becoming increasingly obvious, it does not pay to speed near a school.

If you’ve racked up significant penalties as a result of speeding near a school, it is highly recommend that you consult a legal professional as soon as possible. An experienced traffic attorney – like the attorneys at the Rosenblum Law Firm, know how to navigate the legal system and secure the best results for their clients.

Adam Rosenblum lawyer
Founding Attorney at Rosenblum Law

As the founding attorney of Rosenblum Law, Adam has built a firm that prioritizes client success and legal excellence. His leadership and vision have established Rosenblum Law as a premier legal practice for traffic and criminal defense, ensuring that clients receive the highest level of advocacy and support.