7 Tips on How To Behave When Pulled Over for Speeding in New York

You are being pulled over for speeding.  Here are 7 tips on what you should do.

  1.  Pull Over.  As soon as you see the flashing lights behind you, pull over as quickly and safely as possible.  This will help avoid any tension because the police officer will perceive your cooperation.
  2.  Create a Safe Atmosphere.  Turn on the light inside the car and keep your hands on the steering wheel.  If police sense that you are rummaging through your car, they may grow suspicious and tense.
  3.  Be Patient and Wait for Instructions.  Allow the officer to approach your vehicle and request what he needs.  Although you want to be cooperative, it is better not to appear “experienced” at what to do when pulled over by a police officer.
  4.  Do Not Get Out of Your Car.  Unless instructed by the police, do not exit your car.  If you attempt to get out of your car quickly after being pulled over, you appear dangerous or at the very least argumentative to the police.
  5.  Remain Calm and Follow Instructions.  Listen to the officer and answer his questions clearly and concisely.  A long, rambling answer may annoy the police officer.
  6.  Do Not Admit Fault.  It is never recommended to plead guilty; therefore, you should never admit fault to the ticketing officer.  When he asks if you know why you have been pulled over, simply answer, “No, sir.”  After all, you don’t know what is in his head.
  7.  Use Your Manners.  Speak calmly, respectfully and clearly when addressing the police officer.  Be cooperative.  When the police officer is finished, say “thank you.”

There is another tip, which was not listed and it is the most important: call a New York traffic attorney immediately before you  respond to your ticket.

When a NY traffic lawyer pleads not guilty on your behalf to a New York speeding ticket charge, he can negotiate a favorable settlement, which oftentimes means a reduced charge, fewer points and lower fines. In addition, the NY traffic attorney represents you at all hearings so you do not have to travel to the town court and miss a day of work.

If you have been issued a NY speeding ticket, email or call 888-434-0406 for a free consultation.

Pound Ridge’s NY Speeding Ticket Problem

Pound Ridge is a small town in Westchester County, NY.  It has a population of 5,104.  It is also home to deer, emus, swans, ducks and geese, foxes and coyotes, raccoons, otters, squirrels, chipmunks, frogs, crickets, etc.

The average person would never think that Pound Ridge has a problem of too many NY speeding tickets.

Despite a concerted effort to slow down traffic in Scotts Corners, Pound Ridge’s business district, Pound Ridge Police Department has found that motorists are not obeying the 30-mph speed limit.  Scotts Corners is an area of several blocks with a retail establishment.

Complaints about speeding in Pound Ridge increased in recent years.  The issue peaked last year when an elderly man was killed when walking along Westchester Avenue in Scotts Corners.

By employing daily radar details in the business district, Pound Ridge police gathered data over a 24-month period of 2010 and 2011.  Police Chief David Ryan claims that his officers are issuing about the same number of tickets every quarter in Scotts Corners despite the heavy police presence.  Normally, when a strong police presence exists, drivers slow down.

The Pound Ridge Police Department’s study shows that in 2010 and 2011 the average speed in Scotts Corners increased from 48.5 mph to 52.1 mph even though it is a 30-mph zone.  It was also reported that the number of tickets handed out in each quarter of 2011 increased by about 50% over the first quarter in 2010.

The study showed that the average speed in Scotts Corners is 52 mph in a 30-mph zone.  A NY speeding ticket of 22 mph over the speed limit may cost the driver up to $300 in fines and 6 points on his driving record.

Six points within 18 months means that the driver needs to pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment of $100 per year for 3 years and $25 per year for three years for each point over 6.

These fines and surcharges don’t even take into account the increase in insurance premiums that you can experience.

Pound Ridge Police are hoping to change drivers’ behavior by enforcing the speed limit every day.

“We will increase our enforcement and reduce our tolerance levels if necessary,” Ryan said.

From Pound Ridge to Manhattan to Buffalo to the Canadian border, Rosenblum Law has a team of aggressive NY traffic attorneys prepared to help you fight your NY speeding ticket.  Email or call 888-434-0406 today.

   Hire Us To Fight Your Ticket      Skip the hassle of going to court, and forget insurance increase!

NY Speeding Ticket Fines vs. NJ Speeding Ticket Fines

Thousands of people commute from New York to New Jersey and New Jersey to New York daily.  In addition, countless NJ residents vacation in NY and New Yorkers vacation in New Jersey.

With all of this traveling between states, many speeding tickets are issued by the respective state police officers to drivers from the neighboring state.  Awareness of the fines and points given by each state may affect how you drive when crossing the line from NY to NJ (or vice versa).

New York

A first-time conviction for speeding in New York costs between $45 and $600.  Listed below is the amount of fine for the type of speeding violation: in a normal zone:

  • 1 to 10 mph is $45 – $150
  • 11 to 30 mph is $90 – $300
  • 31+  mph is $180 – $600

If you are convicted of a second NY speeding ticket, the maximum fine may be increased by up to $150.  For a third conviction, the fine may be raised by up to $375.

These fines do not take into account the New York State surcharge of $85 that is tacked onto NY traffic tickets.  Also, there is a Driver Assessment Fee that must be paid when a motorist accumulates 6 or more points on their driver’s record.  The fee is $300 for 6 points and $75 for every point above 6.

Although points are not fines per se, but they impact your driving privileges and automobile insurance premiums.  Following is a list of the points for the speeding violation:

  • Speeding 1 to 10 mph is 3 points
  • Speeding 11 to 20 mph is 4 points
  • Speeding 21 to 30 mph is 6 points
  • Speeding 31 to 40 mph is 8 points
  • Speeding 41+ mph is 11 points

New Jersey

New Jersey fines are typically less than New York.

  • 1-9 mph is $77
  • 10-14 mph in a zone less than 65 mph is $87
  • 10-14 mph in a 65 mph zone is $152
  • 15-19 mph in a zone less than 65 mph is $97
  • 15-19 mph in a 65 mph zone is $172
  • 20-24 mph above limit: $192
  • 25-29 mph above limit: $212
  • 30-34 mph above limit: $232
  • 35-39 mph above limit: $252
  • 40-44 mph above limit: $272

Similar to NY, points are not fines, but impact insurance costs.  Following is a list of the points tacked onto your NJ driving record.

  • Speeding 1-14 mph over limit is 2 points
  • Speeding  15-29 mph over limit is 4 points4
  • Speeding 30 mph or more over limit is 5 points

Whether you receive a NY speeding ticket or a NJ speeding ticket, the fines and points are costly.  The first step towards combating your ticket is to contact an aggressive traffic attorney who has successfully represented drivers in both NY and NJ traffic courts.

Rosenblum Law, with offices in Albany, NY and Newark, NJ, is staffed by aggressive traffic lawyers who are available to assist you.   call 888-434-0406 today.










Top 10 Mistakes Made Regarding Traffic Court

Many of us have gone to traffic court in order to fight our tickets. We think that we know what to do in order to get them dismissed, but we walk out of the courthouse upset and extremely frustrated. The following article is for those who find themselves in this exact situation and those who hope to avoid being in it.


Below you will find the top 10 mistakes that people make at traffic court.

1.  Not Hiring a Traffic Ticket Attorney

Drivers think that it will be way too costly to hire an attorney. The truth is, however, most attorneys charge a one-time, flat flee that is relatively inexpensive.

Additionally, an attorney will allow you to cut the line and negotiate with the prosecutor much faster.

If you are represented by counsel, the judge will also allow you to make your appearance before everyone else who did not hire an attorney.

Aside from these perks, an attorney brings genuine knowledge of the law to your case and has more pull than you do when it comes to negotiating with a prosecutor.

After all, traffic ticket attorneys spend most of their time negotiating with prosecutors and have a much better feel than you do for getting the best deal.


2.  Not Showing Up to Court

Many people make the mistake of thinking they can ignore their court appearance altogether, whether the ticket said it was mandatory or not.

Some think that the police officer has no understanding of what compels you to appear or not, so they think they can simply choose not to attend.

Worse yet, others think that so many tickets get issued that yours would slip through the cracks and be forgotten about.

This is a horrible mistake.

Aside from the fact that every ticket issued in New York is digitally recorded in a system (making it virtually impossible for yours to slip through the cracks), failing to appear carries with it serious consequences.

Since failing to attend could result in a warrant for your arrest being issued, the traffic ticket will be the least of your problems if you do not show up to court.


3.  Not Negotiating With the Prosecutor

Drivers who do not wait on line to talk with the prosecutor are making a huge mistake. Although a prosecutor will be much more hesitant to cut you a deal if you appear without an attorney, it is always worth asking for one.

Wayne Gretzky famously said that you miss 100% of the shots you never take. Likewise, if you never try to negotiate with the prosecutor, you will never get a favorable plea bargain. It is as simple as that.

Never make the error of thinking the line is too long or convincing yourself that the judge is going to side with you over the prosecutor.

As a general rule, take the shot; it might just go in the goal.

4.  Arguing With the Prosecutor

Those of us who do wait in line to negotiate with the prosecutor make the mistake of arguing with him.

This is probably the worst thing you can do when you are only going to be given 3 minutes (at most) of his time.

Instead, carefully and succinctly explain your side and make a request for a lesser offense.

If you feel that strongly about your innocence, request that the ticket be dismissed and explain, as eloquently as possible, why you feel that way.

5.  Making a Fairness Defense Instead of a Legal Defense

Whether you are negotiating with the prosecutor or explaining your case to a judge, never say that the law is unfair.

Even when skilled lawyers appeal to fairness arguments in traffic court, they are usually shut down immediately.

No prosecutor or judge is interested in hearing why it was unfair that you got a traffic ticket.

The only defense they will entertain is a legal defense that will explain a logical reason for why you did not deserve the ticket.

6.  Thinking Traffic Court is Like Law & Order

Remember, traffic court is not like what you see on television. It is not the place for theatrics or fancy Latin words that many do not know the meaning of (and have no place in traffic court).

Unlike the long-winded dialogues you see in the movies, traffic court judges do not have time to listen to your case all day.

The best thing for you to do is show up, patiently wait your turn, be polite to everyone, and quickly present your case by articulating two or three extremely salient points.


7.  Being Cocky at Your Hearing

Being arrogant about your traffic court appearance will end up hurting you in the long run. Being cocky usually leads a person to overestimate their abilities, underestimate the prosecutor’s legal prowess, and causes the driver to go in unprepared.

Remember, both judges and prosecutors deal with people in your shoes on a daily basis, sometimes hundreds of them. You cannot simply roll in without doing your homework and expect to win the day.

Remain humble, prepare, and make good arguments.


8.  Talking Way Too Much

Tons of drivers feel the need to explain their side of the story. They think that once it is their turn, they deserve their day in court—even if it takes the entire day.

The truth of the matter is that those who have a habit of talking too much are simply digging their own graves.

If you say 15 things, it is highly unlikely for anyone to remember all of them by the time you are done.

Furthermore, making two solid arguments, and politely waiting for the judge to respond, will be received much better and end much more favorably.

Trust us on this one: less is more.


9.  Getting Agitated When You Wait Your Turn

We all have been there. It is 2:00 p.m. and we still have not met with the prosecutor or had our appearance in front of the judge.

Whatever you do, do not show anger or frustration.

Anger will cloud your ability to think reasonably and may even lead you to say things you will later regret.

More importantly, no prosecutor or judge wants to hear a driver pitching a fit over his ticket or the time he had to wait.

Stay cool and prepare what you are going to say while you wait.


10.  Not Requesting a Continuance When You are in Over Your Head

If there comes a time during the hearing when you feel like everything is going over your head, ask questions. It is completely fine to say to the judge, “I am sorry, Your Honor, but I do not understand what you just said.”  If this does not help, ask for a new court date, otherwise known as an “adjournment” or “continuance.” If granted, this will give you the opportunity to prepare more thoroughly or to hire a New York traffic ticket attorney who can better represent your interests.


A New York Speeding Ticket Can Be Very Costly

You are running late to an appointment.  You press on the gas pedal and try to steal a few minutes by speeding.  After reviewing the fines and points for speeding tickets, you will agree that a New York speeding ticket is too costly and that it is wise to contact a New York traffic lawyer.

If you are ticketed for driving up to 10 mph over the speeding limit, the fine is up to $150.  Speeding between 10 mph and 30 mph over the posted limit may bring you a fine of up to $300.  If you are convicted for travelling more than 30 mph over the speed limit, the fine may cost you up to $600.  A ticket for “speed not reasonable and prudent” carries a maximum fine of $150.

It is important to note that the above fines do not include the state surcharge which is either $80 or $85 depending on the court.

The amount of the fine varies depending on a number of factors:

  • If you have more than one speeding conviction within 18 months, the amount of the fine increases.
  • Three convictions for speeding (or two work zone speeding convictions) in 18 months result in your license being suspended.
  • The location of the speeding ticket impacts the amount of the fine.  For example, school zones, restricted highway or work zones can have higher fines.

Accumulate 6 points within 18 months and you will have to pay a Driver Responsibility Assessment of $100 per year for 3 years and $25 per year for three years for each point over 6.

These fines and surcharges don’t even take into account the increase in insurance premiums that you can experience.

The amount of points that are tacked to your driving to your NY record driving for every NY speeding ticket is important.  A motorist ticketed for driving 1- 10 mph over the limit is given 3 points.  A violation of 11-20 mph over the limit results in 4 points on your driver record.  A conviction for speeding 21 –30 mph over the limit lands 6 points on your DMV record.  11 points are tacked on your record for a ticket for more than 40 mph over the limit.

It is noteworthy that if you accumulate more than 11 points in 18 months, the DMV may suspend your driving privileges.  In addition, points amassed from tickets in other jurisdictions will also apply in NY.

In order to reduce your fines and points, email or call 888-8835-LAW.  Rosenblum Law has an experienced NY traffic attorney waiting to assist you.