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  • Fight your ticket to avoid fines, points and insurance increases
  • Save time by having an attorney appear in court on your behalf
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Speeding Tickets in Otsego County NY

6 years ago

Otsego County is a largely rural county in central New York with a steady dairy farm industry. The exact origin…

Speeding Tickets in St. Lawrence County NY

6 years ago

Named after the river that forms part of the boundary between Canada and New York, St. Lawrence County is the…

Speeding Tickets in Albany County, NY

6 years ago

When New Yorkers think of Albany, they are thinking of the city of the same name, which is also the…

New Google Maps Features Can Help Avoid a Speeding Ticket

6 years ago

Google Maps as begun rolling out two new mobile app that features can help drivers avoid speeding tickets. Both iOS…

NYC School Zone Speed Cameras to Come Down

7 years ago

New York City’s pilot program for speed and red light cameras in school zones is coming to an end. The…

Ford Patent Could Replace Traffic Cops with Autonomous Cars

7 years ago

Red light cameras and speed cameras have been praised and panned for taking the human element out of traffic enforcement.…

Report: ‘Fast and Furious’ Movies Cause Increase in Speeding Tickets

7 years ago

New research shows that the popular The Fast and the Furious movie franchise may be encouraging motorists to speed. A…

Can Police Issue Speeding Tickets Outside Their Jurisdiction?

7 years ago

Orange County PD flash their lights at you just a few traffic signals away from the border of Putnam County.…

How to Avoid Speeding This Holiday

7 years ago

Travel is an inevitable part of the holidays, even if it’s only local. Between loading the car with gifts, getting…

Don’t Let Sun Glare Ruin Your Holiday Travel

7 years ago

For those who plan to travel during Thanksgiving, experts say the best time to leave is as early as possible,…